As a hardcore horror fan, I was super excited about Guillermo del Toro latest horror movie ''Don't be Afraid of the Dark". There's no question about him being an amazing director/scrip writer, I also had high expectation since it's an adaption of a classic ABC tv show. Haunted houses is one of my top favorite genre as well XD
However not many of my friends are into the genre, the few that do dont want to spend on going to movie TT^TT so I usually ended up torrenting when the Dvd rip comes out (le gasp illegal).
So, I was beyond happy that my new lolita/hime friend Tamie is one of my kind X3 (as in liking horror/creepy stuffs). Now I have a movie buddy yeah ~

Initially our plan was to see movie at 8:30 but dear me can never be on time, so we had to catch the next showtime >___<'' .
Tamie took me to this French crepe place called ''La Bretagne Creperie'' . The interior is modern and cute, I love this corner that had this marine theme going on :D
Of course camwhore is a must . Did I mention Tamie love picture taking just as much as me XD ???
The menus had quite a variety to choose from, including sweet ,savory crepes as well as soup and salad. I got myself a Chef's Specialties ''Malouine'' which has Seafood, Leek Fondue and Wine Sauce.
First time having seafood crepe ever, it was definitely different from those at crepe stand. The crepe shell was made from organic wheat flour, and the wine sauce goes really well with the seafood filling.
Tamie had Peche Melba - Peach, vanilla icecream, raspberry sauce and whipped cream
It was close to closing time so there was only us 2 in the cafe. The only employee there took notice of us trying to take pic of ourselves so he offered to snap a pic for us. He was friendly and wasn't at all annoyed by us taking our time there after finish eating
Good God horrible lighting, i tried my best fixing the shadow of doom on our faces =_=
Bonus picture of my favorite painting in the cafe
Crepe-making is serious business |
The movie was at 10:30 so we had some time to walk around Downtown, I love the area at night time, it's so busy and livel
Saw these Angry Bird Chocolate covered apples at Rocky Mountain Chocolate, forever want <3
The theater was quite full for a 10:30pm show, I couldnt get a centre theater seat >:[ *allmyrage*
Thoughts on the movie . WARNING CONTAIN SPOILER
- The opening credit is superb
- The atmosphere was great. I love the feel of old style horror and the use of classic horror music (one of the reason why I'm a fan of Toro)
- Great visual and camera angle work. The mansion used in the movie is wonderful
- First half of the movie was good, until they showed the creatures's real form . We all know that what's unseen is always scarier.
- Ridiculous fights between characters and the creatures. I was like so frustrated watching those scenes, like omg can't they fucking use their head ??? The weakness of those creatures is LIGHT, which is well awared of by everyone in the movie. YET, no-one is smart enough to equip themselves with shitton of light supplies for defense =____=.
- Dissapointing ending. The mains sold off the house without warning the new buyer. Selfish bastards feeding the house new victims.
It was a pity, I had such high hope for this movie ;(. Toro why you let me down QAQ ???
With the movie all done with, we went down to Twinkle cafe in Richmond for some late night snack. Around 12pm the only cafes still open are Taiwanese/Hongkong style ones.
My first impression of the place is it's very bright and clean, with cute twinkle stars deco and the cafe's own mascot figurines
Arent those figures cute? |
And here's how I start gaining weight, late night deepfried snacks and dessertss TT___TT.
Some deepfried dish with fish paste and cheese filling |
Taiwanese crispy chicken - My love |
Seafood pancake |
I didnt quite like the 2 other dishes but the crispy chicken.
The drink menu of this place is HUGE, with a lot of original drinks, also including some with alcohol. I had a coconut milk tea with tofu pudding, I think it was around $6, quite expensive but it's worth a try
To conclude my entry, here's my co-ordination that day

Until next time ;D